Monday, April 27, 2009

oh to love


WOW...this week has been crazy already and it's only today we went to the beach and let me tell you it was sooo fun! It was deff a day that I needed to just chillax and hang out w/ friends! God has blessed me so much *shakes head* Lol

Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:4-5

When things are going bad…and when things aren’t going the way we wanted them to go….how easy is it to praise the Lord? How is it to trust in him…and the fact that no matter what happens he will take care of us?.....I don’t know about you but for me it’s not very easy at all…Psalm 30:4-5

Weeping ie…(trials, frustration, anger) may endure for the night…but JOY comes in the morning! Being a Christian doesn’t mean that our lives are going to be filled with rainbows and butterflies(So to speak) Part of being in this sinful world is being in a life filled with sin….Gossip, bitterness, and hate.
The thing is that we have to chose the kind of life that we are going to lead. The true Christian…better said the true follower of God has an awareness that no matter what goes on in our lives, God will always take care of us. Whatever concerns us concerns God! And whatever trials we are going through it is for the Glory of God that we are going through this. And also to grow us, and mature is into the women God wants us to be.
He promises that the weeping may endure for the night but the joy comes in the morning…The morning may not be right may not be the next day..and it may not be the next month of the next year even…but it will happen…and even if that morning is the day you get to heaven what an amazing morning of joy that will be!
Until the “morning” comes we have to continue on. We have to pray to God daily and ask him to give us joy in the times when all we want to do is lay down in our beds cover our heads with our pillow and scream until we fall asleep….

Psalm 30:11-12=You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to you and not be silent. O Lord my God I will give thanks to you forever.

It is also an awesome thing to remember that God will give us joy…that’s hard to remember during trials..when we don’t feel the “happiness” we often times forget about the joy…
He has done this that our glory will be for his praise…that when we go through these things and we have true joy that only the Lord can give us..other people are going to be looking on and wondering what we have. This in itself is an awesome testimony that we have. In life we have to show that we have more hope then the average person. Our what can people say is different about our lives?

It’s awesome to remember that our God knows what we are made of…he knows what we can handle and what we cannot…..

. Psalm 30:11-12 says “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I Will give thanks to you forever

this is my .....devo that I am going to not quite sure when it's "due" but im thinking tonight so....I did it..and if its not then well guess what..thats ok because i dont really care ;) LOL..either way i wanted it done..and i thought this was a good topic to do it on...I dont know if i will do that great..but its ok ;) it's all to the glory of God aye?....
Im going to the beach again tommorrow.....^_^ w00t w00t

Friday, April 24, 2009

everybody put up your hands\m/

today started off with funny pranks..and words of o_0...well not encouragment..but o_0..Anywho *cough* God is good to me..and even though im in pain I will continue to praise his name..because what else is there for me to do?! he is so great...and amazing ^_^ Im having a hard time w/ one of my friends...his fiance is hurting him really bad and I wish i could do something...but he doesn't want me to talk to her..and as a friend I promised i wouldnt...until she did something again and then it's my turn...which i think is quite fair...anyway the point sick of my friends getting hurt..*sigh* Stupid people....o well i guess it's something they have to learn the hard way...i did my friends did *Shrugs*

Thursday, April 23, 2009

truth be told

WOW!It's hard to believe that another week is already almost over...a week ago I had to rush to the hospital w/ a friend who wanted to end her life *Shakes head*..and tommorrow a week from now my friend died...and you know what it's been a hard week but through everything that's been going on i've realized how awesome my God is...he has been there for me through everything..and the people who needed me he set me right there for them..I just...marvel in his grace..and yeah things continue to go on and it's hard but...God is just so amazing I can't even much grace, mercy,strength and love he has shown me this's just so amazing to me that our God is so good..^_^...i so thankful for all the people in my life..that just......:) HES SO GOOD!!! xXx

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

oh the peace of God

wow.. tonight was..*Shakes head* put it's been a really hard week but God really is doing awesome things..I've seen him just take so many things and turn it around for his glory..and he still is doing it currently...It's just exciting to see..even if it is hard to go through the thankful for the friends that I have..that no matter what I go through they are always there for me!! ^_^ tommorow is going to be a long day...5:30 wake up time...bakery..class til 12:50..lunch, free time till 5...dinner..idiot hours till 9..devos till 9:30 then ...ministry team not quite sure what we are doing in that i haven't gotten anything together for that so hopefully by tommorow i will know something...o_0..LOL EARLY WAKE UP TIME I am going to bed..because today i was sooOoOo tired and just needed sleep..
Peace guys and dollz...<3

oh to quit...

UgH! you know..its like....i cant just have a good day huh...something has to go's in a sea and no matter what I do the waves keep slamming into me..they knock the air of my lungs and I cant breathe OH the breathing thats inovlved in this life tired..and kinda sick of everything thats going on..and oh how easy it would be to give up..and oh how easy just to cut..but i must fight it because i need to do this...its a test i know and oh....failing is the last thing I need..I want to do such great things for God....
class x...peace

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh that wind

*slams head*a lot of things have been going on....UGH! and I cant even explain to you what it's doing to me..little things really.little things that should do nothing but guess what..they are hurting me more then you could ever know..OK! so banquet is coming up right? a thing where like the guy asks the girl its alternative to prom..i suppose you could I want to go w/ Kevin ...I know it, im sure he knows it..everyone EVERYONE knows it...but i digress... yesterday he was like I need to ask you an awkward question i was like..he's like it's going to seem odd...and then was like da da rambling and we walked towards the water and I thought..truthfully he was going to ask me..but then he asked me to take a couple pictures of him -_-...*sigh* FAIL! lol..I felt like such an idiot but welcome to my life..aye? lol anyway...yeah so its been pretty touch and go on that one...and pretty much either were really happy w/ eachother for a while and then at eachothers not quite sure whats going on with us as friends but its weird...Im really starting to like him again which is bothering me because I thought it was ok...I guess im going to have to spend less time w/ him again because its hurting A LOT...but do you spend less time w/ someone whose one of your best friends, your ministry team leader...and who your bound to see .....UGHS *slams head*....and the other day when I was sleeping he was like"please princess sarah wake up" and other stupid things like that THAT SHOULDNT MEAN A THING BUT GUESS WHAT THEY DO.....
Im just a stupid girl i know that..and sometimes it just really...frustrates me...I dont know how much longer I can deal w/ this hurts a lot :(
UGHS But God is in control and I know through him I can do anything!

In the end...does it matteR?

OK! So today we had our meeting for Spanish Open Air Evangelism..the best way to explain it is..we will be working w/ spanish people, familes, churches, and other things in NYC and NJ I have never been more excited...I am so pumped to see God do amazing things through our team! :) I am going to begin working again on not being hurt so easily..and guarding my heart because Im doing a bad job again -_-.It gets really frustrating you know..when you think your doing a good job and then all of a sudden it starts yesterday *sigh* When we had to hold hands @ church was a bad move I should have moved and walked away but kevin and i held hands..and then when I was sleeping that day in the car he was like"oh princess sarah wont you please wake up"I just...I hate being like this...I really do..this is not the girl I am..and I had a thought yesterday which MUST have been from God....Im going to get someone so much better then him...If he isn't the one for me..if he is I dont know why I like him so much..because quite honestly he hurts me a lot more then he makes me laugh...but truthfully I do like him a lot so we will see..idk *screams in pillow* i tell we are going on ministry..and today he just said something funny you know but it hurt..and I just..I need to get my head back in the "game" So to speak..we are spending all summer together I am not going to let this stupid cruch get int he way of my God...and the amazing things that can happen for him *sigh* I just cant let it happen....It's going to be hard but apparently i need to stop hanging out w/ him so much again...maybe it will make things better, easier....Especially if we both come back next year..which currently (I think) we both plan to will see what God has for me..I am quite excited to tell you the's so many emotions so much....drama playing out in my head and truthfully i wish it wasnt happening..but guess Is and I know w/ God I can do all things so I shouldn't even be worrying about it.. Im not going to say anything though because i really...really dont want it to be weird....*sighs* hehhgdhghggkjdhfjd; (thats how i feel)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


You know..Im not going to a lot frustrated right now...a "frined" of mine...hasnt been hanging with me lately..and i was wondering if everything was ok w/ we were sitting in the lounge and I asked her if it was ok if we used her comp..(after Kevin asked me to) I did..and she was like well it wasnt plugged in....we ended up using mine and I got a text that said"Im so sick of you not hanging out w/ me and then usuing me" and im just sitting there like what the flip...she was like yeah..I gave you some space like I thought you needed and then blah blah freken blah...I just answered back..."WOW SORRY MY FRIEND TRIED TO COMMITT SUICIDE THURSDAY AND THEN MY FRIEND DIED FRIDAY...YEAH SORRY IM NOT GIVING YOU ALL MY FREKEN ATTENTION"LIKE WHAT THE JUNK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO..Im sorry Im mourning..God forbid someone does that right?!
I AM SO PISSED OFF!! I can't even believe freken aye...dude I dont even know Im just so mad i cant even get over it..
Im so sick of this 17 year old high school drama crap..WE ARE NOT IN HIGHSCHOOL EVERYTHING IS NOT ABOUT YOU!! GET OVER YOURSELF...
*breathes* im sorry..anyway the rest of my day was good..b4 that crap friends Luke, and Kevin we watched a movie, played some halo..and then watched another movie..I really do love my friends and how they are there for me when I need them...Lukes getting baptized tommorrow and I cannot even wait to watch that ^_^ Praise the LORD!
IM DONE im going to bed..I havent slept in a long time and i dont need to deal w/ this right now -_- it will not turn out well..I just needed to vent..

Friday, April 17, 2009

I chose to believe...

Im so lost right now not going to having so many emotions and so frustrated but..I know God is there for me it's just..*sigh* Im so frustrated with things going on..I had to leave class bcuz i was crying I just..I couldn't take it anymore....I just...i feel so alone...friend wise you know like they dont care....sometimes...It's ok I mean I dont expect them to..i just..sometimes I wish i had more friends..that were...girls? heh...idk all my friends are on missions reality right now...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

God is so good...

yesterday...was a rough day..all on the other hand...although I thought it was going to be bad...wasn't..I know it hasn't ended yet but lets just say so far it seems like its going to turn out quite well...I am going to hopefully..If not...well God will take it from there..but im praying very hard he does...
I was going to do work.but i feel acomplished..(or lazy) so Im going to take an hour nap...:)
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

and through these crazy times..

let me just explain how frustrated i am currently..everything that's going on is slamming me so many ways and i just..I don't know what to do anymore..God is doing this all for a reason..and I know that but its like I cant figure it out...I dont know why...I've gone through and will continue go through....amazingly un fun conversations..IM SO STINKING FRUSTRATED w/ things going on and there is nothing I can do..hopefully...tommorrow is hopefully will be the end of a lot of things going on....!
I really wish all of this could just be over..ive found some good friends but ive also lost some..and that hurts more then a lot of people will ever know..I erased my first facebook and decided to make another one..I just couldnt deal w/ the junk's not worth it to allow things of such .......stupidity to continue on...I Will not allow it..and if i dont want to be bitter..(which I done) i need to take myself out of the situation..I am continueing my walk with God and not letting other things change that..although im not going to lie..a lot of situations are making me wish sometimes I didnt care about doing the right thing..I wish that I could just let whatever goes on go on sometimes and forget about the right thing to do...
you would keep a lot more friends that way...i suppose they wouldnt be true friends but...non the less friends..heh of course this isnt my true....thought but i wish i could think that way sometimes..*slams head*


WOW...can we say early...already its been quite the interesting morning...but I have faith my God is is going to be a busy/fun day...
Quiet time from 7:15-7:45
Class from 9:10-1
Lunch 1-2
I have free from 2:30-5
Dinner at 5-6
Study hours 6-9
Devos 9:15-9:30
then more free time till 10:30...Lol
I never realized how... | | | life here is...
God is good...dont forget it ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wow...-_-truthfully..things are getting......ridiculous here...>_< style="color: rgb(102, 0, 204);">It's going to be an interesting many friends are going through a hard time and they really need help...other friends don't listen to you no matter what you say..and sadly..a lot of people know they are going to get hurt...and does not matter the end they will be hurt and they will come back to you...and as much as you dont want that to will..The truth that God is always in control no matter what has continuelly been such an amazing truth to me..I cant...get through this alone..I certainly cannot help anyone when i can barely help myself...without Christ all is lost...and this is an amazing truth...I wrote my biblical principles for dating/courting/purity...and i sent them to some excited that they are done and while to me that doesnt mean im going to date right away know immediately im glad I took time to write them, and know what I believe.My roomates will be going on Missions reality to different countries soon..that means I will be the only one in the room..the only -_- not sure if im mad excited about that..or a little depressed..since i know i will be working more no doubt...Pray for wisdom..and stength as everything is going on in my life...-_-....a lot of stuff i wish I could end for people but I cant...a lot of things I wish I could change...but i cant
.....*Slams head *
I love God..but im..sure wondering about this life!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I know it's side ways...but I like it a lot..and im to lazy to fix it I guess..ANYWAYS..I thought that a blog would be a splendid idea..since i don't have much of a life anyway why not make it worse ;)
A little about me...
My name is Sarah
I go to Word Of Life Bible Institute
I am a first year there
I love God with all of my heart
I am a dork and most likely always will be..if You dont know me and I start talking to could be a little worried..I am constantly dying my hair, I have 00 guages..and 6 tattoos...
ANYWAY..I thought Id just give a little this is me :)