So...this web blog i read (Lies young women believe) is having this thing where you can write a blog for i am going to take a swing at it and see what happens :)
:::Replacing lies with truth:::
*It is completely impossible to REPLACE lies with truth..unless you know the truth (John 3:16)
Coming from a home where love wasn’t the number one thing happening…I have been exposed to a lot of lies. Lies like “You’ll never be good enough”, “you are disgusting”, “No one could ever love you”, “you are scum”. All of my life this was the “truth” set before me…so when I came to the saving knowledge of the Lord…when his TRUE love filled me…and there was truth set before me I didn’t know what to do with it. Even though now, I had the truth of Jesus and his ultimate sacrifice for me…His transforming love…I was still stuck in lies of not good enough, not pretty enough…..and I started cutting to deal with my anger and my sadness….every emotion I had that wasn’t a positive one went into cutting.
This went on for a while until I started going to a bible institute…where people loved me for me and I thought this was the answer….people loving me must be ok because God loves it all clicked together for me…..but when someone would get angry at me, or I didn’t do something right..I’d get upset and run right back to cutting.. I still wasn’t believing in Gods truth that he had promised me…perfect peace, forgiveness, love everlasting and an abundant life. Abundant lives aren’t filled with hatred, bitterness and jealousy…which is what I was dealing with. With my friends and my family.
When I actually got into God’s word..and looked at the truths that he had put in there for me to read..for me to BELIEVE..that is when I finally started understanding that I could beat this sin. And the other sins that I had been dealing with because I CAN do all things through Christ..because HE gives me the strength to.
One specific truth that has been so big to me for a long time (Since I started living for Christ) is found in Isaiah 26:3 “you keep him in perfect because whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.” My whole world can be crashing fault or maybe not my fault, but regardless..If I am thinking on the truths that Jesus has given me..the truth that is God..the truth of love forgiveness and his perfect holiness…How can I not be in perfect peace? Complete peace that passes understanding of this world? On the other side though, if we are completely thinking of ourselves, and how we screwed up of course we won’t be peaceful…we are thinking of ourselves..finite foolish creatures.
The only way to replace lies with truth is knowing and dwelling on truth. Nothing else will do it.
DUDE! I just got your comment today! And to think I LOVE Blogging, whats my problem!??!? haha