wow! Life has been so crazy lately..-_- it seems like updating people on what it's been like is going to be just as i thought i guess id be a lot easier then this to keep myself updated..but alas those things are not true. anyways...*cough* ahem...Life has been hecktic...this is certainly true, but the exciting thing is, as hecktic as life gets..I know God's got my back..and that's just something im continually learning because it's i have no idea what to do about after word of life. i dont think im going to be able to come to second year because my grades arent that good..and it kills me i dont know what im going to be able to do..i am...blhahhjdjf ANYWAY im trying not to worry and im trying to know that God has great plans for me and that he loves me and is waiting for me to jump on to that's just a bit more scary then i expected it to be..Im growing, and it's insane to going to canada hopefully with my dc during break! :) How exciting is that going to be?!?! W00t and suuuch L-O-L I put in my passport application, and got my picture and everything we will see..they said 4-6 may 21st i should have it, it could happen before..but maybe later? they dont know..*sigh* it's a scary scary thing to have but..i know w/e happens God is in control. I want to learn how to drive and thats why i think im going to not work on the island but we will see *sigh* GOD IS SO GOOD..i love him im just so scared of what i dont know...
Sweet, well I'm going to Clinton in the fall as well. I want to live out there, but I'd have to ask my church for money.. and so far my mentors have said no to the idea.. Which kills me cuz I know that I could bring Christ to so many people out there, and I don't feel like I'm doing much here now. But it's up to God, and I will do what HE wants..